Bubs Play at OLA

Bubs Play at OLA commenced in 2019 with lots of excitement and anticipation. Every Friday morning from 9am until 10.30am, a group of families along with their beautiful bubs and toddlers, gather together in the Kindergarten M classroom for an hour and a half of fun, laughter, music and lots of play.

With the support of Playgroup WA and our fantastic parent volunteer, Christine, the children enjoy the opportunity to learn through their play. During the sessions, they learn to share and take turns and that sharing is caring. The bubs make new friends and learn new things. Painting, playdough and craft activities are very popular in the sessions, as is having the opportunity to interact with other children. Bubs Play at OLA provides mums, dads and caregivers the opportunity to catch up with other families and to form new friendships.

For more information or if you would like to register to attend Bubs Play at OLA, please contact the School Office or fill in your details below:





