About Our School
Our Lady’s Assumption School is a vibrant co-educational school, catering for boys and girls in Pre-Kindy to Year 6. The School has a long history in the community, with a meaningful connection to the Parish.
We embrace the following as being at the centre of our day to day interactions and experiences here at OLA:
To foster a living faith, based on truth, where the potential and dignity of the individual is respected and nurtured in an environment of trust.
- Respect – accepting others for who they are, taking their feelings, wishes and rights into consideration.
- Integrity – being honest and truthful in our actions.
- Compassion – showing others we care by reaching out to those in need and sharing what we have.
- Excellence – we strive to do everything to the best of our ability.
Imagine, Believe, Succeed
At Our Lady’s Assumption School, our dynamic teachers seek to foster the growth of all students in all areas. We offer a range of speciality programs including, but not limited to:
- Morning Fitness
- Intensive Intervention
We pride ourselves on the unique combination of cultures, ideas, abilities and talents that unite our community. We celebrate our diversity and individual gifts, encouraging positive relationships within the community.
With our cohesive vision and supported by our values, Respect, Integrity, Compassion and Excellence, we know that all who enter the gates of OLA can imagine, believe and succeed.